


Learning to live with Buddhas principles, living and learning reality without Dukkha - not suffering too much.

Welcome is any comment, additional data or needed correction on this site or the knowledge, which has been compiled ex wikipedia and other internet sides as contributed by many most learned scholars and scientist.


It is so hard to mindfully consolidate Buddhist scriptures,  in which Buddha denounced his wealth and rejected materialism, gold and money but people in his honour plaster gold on his crazy huge statues and temples making temples humongous buildings instead of making nature their temple as he did while living under a tree.

Religion in all of human history is by far the most warmongering source of conflicts, causing dead and despair for many many millions and extreme suffering. Many religions have been kidnapped by parasites who found it a way to obtain a good regular salary and social status, not unknown trying to cover-up big crimes, atrocities and criminals. Large institutions have been created with empire like organizations, control and buildings meanwhile compiling enormous wealth without effective or good objectives to use.

Religion should only be defined as a designated for all humans to live by in harmony, social cultural system for human behaviour which most unfortunately have never been accomplished.

Buddhism believe dictates that there exists no God and worship should be focused on your own personal inner seeking of non-material growth to the ideal state of nirvana, living in peace and harmony with all humans and nature.

Let’s all only do that for the benefit of all humans and this planet.

For references the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, Three Characteristics of Existence, Hindrances, Factors of Enlightenment on this website introduction and please please read all books by

 Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett


The time of Gautama's birth and death are uncertain or invented. No actual written word by Buddha himself has never been found, so all his words are "hearsay" needing to most critically consider Buddhism what it really is and what it needs to be for you.

Teachings should not be accepted unless they are borne out by our experience and are praised by the wise.

See the Kalama Sutta for details.


Anicca (Sanskrit: anitya): That all things that come to be have an end.

Dukkha (Sanskrit: duḥkha): That nothing which comes to be is ultimately satisfying.

Anattā (Sanskrit: anātman): That nothing in the realm of experience can really be said to be "I" or "mine".

According to tradition, the Buddha emphasized ethics and correct understanding. He questioned everyday notions of divinity and salvation. He stated that there is no intermediary between mankind and the divine; distant gods are subjected to karma themselves in decaying heavens; and the Buddha is only a guide and teacher for beings who must tread the path of Nirvāṇa (Pāli: Nibbāna) themselves to attain the spiritual awakening called bodhi and understand reality. The Buddhist system of insight and meditation practice is not claimed to have been divinely revealed, but to spring from an understanding of the true nature of the mind, which must be discovered by treading the path guided by the Buddha's teachings.

As writing was uncommon in India at the time Gautama lived, everything we know about him was carefully memorized and passed on orally until it was written down, probably during the first century BCE.[24]


Four Noble Truths

1. Suffering exists
2. Suffering arises from attachment to desires
3. Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases
4. Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path


Noble Eightfold Path

Three Qualities Eightfold Path
Wisdom(panna) Right View
  Right Thought
Morality(sila) Right Speech
  Right Action
  Right Livelihood
Meditation (samadhi) Right Effort
  Right Mindfulness
  Right Contemplation

Three Characteristics of Existence

1. Transience (anicca)
2. Sorrow (dukkha)
3. Selflessness (anatta)


Unwholesome mental states that impede progress towards enlightenment.
1. Sensuous lust
2. Aversion and ill will
3. Sloth and torpor
4. Restlessness and worry
5. Skeptical doubt

Factors of Enlightenment

1. Mindfulness
2. Investigation
3. Energy
4. Rapture
5. Tranquility
6. Concentration
7. Equanimity


So if the contents of the knowledge is correct, why does Buddhism in the world drift so far away from what Gautama  Buddha has taught ? Why making Buddha a god despite that he said there are no gods.

Similar as with other religions and beliefs, it looks like his (early) followers, took possession of the principles and created a god with matching rules, attributes and ceremonies supporting monks and temples is that what Buddha has taught ?

Why are so many temples not reflecting the humble most modest living of Buddha, but are temples extravagant and competing with each other in richness ?

What is true spirit of Gautama Buddha ?

Many thanks for reading website.

